How To Integrate Admob native Ads in iOS CollectionView or TableView Swift
Before integrating Admob native ads into your app, create an Admob account and download the SDK using Cocoapods.
pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK' # Mobile ads google
Testing Ads
It’s always advised you use a test Ad unit when testing your apps. Testing your app using live ads could lead to your account being terminated or suspended. Admob’s available test ads:
Format | Size | Ad unit ID |
Banner | 320×50 | 0ac59b0996d947309c33f59d6676399f |
Banner (MRect) | 300×250 | 2aae44d2ab91424d9850870af33e5af7 |
Interstitial | 320×480 | 4f117153f5c24fa6a3a92b818a5eb630 |
Rewarded Ad | 320×480 | 8f000bd5e00246de9c789eed39ff6096 |
Rewarded Playable (MRAID) | 320×480 | 98c29e015e7346bd9c380b1467b33850 |
Native | N/A | 76a3fefaced247959582d2d2df6f4757 |
You also need to edit your “info.plist” to add AdMob-supported networks. A full list can be downloaded here.
Getting Started
Admob doesn’t provide an out-of-the-box solution for showing native ads on UICollectionView or UITableView. This solution provides a quick fix and largely focuses on UICollectionView but the same logic applies to UITableView. This solution addresses the problem in 3 parts: Getting the ad, presenting it in a UICollectionView and handling events (such as impressions and clicks).
The logic is: Once you query your database or data source for a list of items. You divide your result by the number of times you would like your ad to appear.
For example, if you’d like to show your native ad every 7th row, for a list of 14 items, you’ll need 2 ad units (14 divided by 7) for the 7th and 14th rows. Then insert it between the 6th and 7th row and the 13th and 14th row.
Initialise Ads
The first step in integrating your Ad is by initialising it in your App Delegate. To initialise your Ads, import Admob and configure your ads.
import GoogleMobileAds // Mobile advertising
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Google services
GADMobileAds.sharedInstance().start(completionHandler: nil)
Load Ads
On your ViewController (i.e the controller you would like the ad to show) import the SDK and prepare the variables as seen below.
import GoogleMobileAds // Google Ads
Prepare variables
class ViewController: UIViewController, UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegate {
// Prepare outlets vars
@IBOutlet weak var ourCollectionView: UICollectionView! // Created using storyboard.
// Prepare variables
var yourItemList = [AnyObject]()
// For mobile ads
var adNativeUnit = "YOUR_AD_UNIT"
// Admob variables
var adiPath = 6 // Nth item for ads
var adReq = 0
var adToShow = 0 // Nuber of ads to show
var adRetCnt = 0 // Number of items returned
/// The native ads.
var nativeAds = [GADNativeAd]()
/// The ad loader that loads the native ads.
var adLoader: GADAdLoader!
override func viewDidLoad() {
Then add the function to load the native Ads. In this case, “adCnt” is the number of Ads you would like to load.
func loadNativeAd(adCnt: Int) {
let multipleAdsOptions = GADMultipleAdsAdLoaderOptions()
multipleAdsOptions.numberOfAds = adCnt
self.adLoader = GADAdLoader(adUnitID: self.adNativeUnit, rootViewController: self,
adTypes: [.native],
options: [multipleAdsOptions])
self.adLoader.delegate = self
The next step is to add the delegates to your ViewController, it should look similar to below.
extension ViewController: GADNativeAdLoaderDelegate, GADNativeAdDelegate {
func adLoader(_ adLoader: GADAdLoader, didFailToReceiveAdWithError error: Error) {
print("Failed to receive ads")
func adLoader(_ adLoader: GADAdLoader, didReceive nativeAd: GADNativeAd) {
// A native ad has loaded, and can be displayed.
func adLoaderDidFinishLoading(_ adLoader: GADAdLoader) {
// The adLoader has finished loading ads, and a new request can be sent.
let ItmCnt = self.adRetCnt
var adDiv: Float = Float((ItmCnt / 6))
adDiv = adDiv.rounded(.down)
for _ in 0..<Int(adDiv) {
let nativeAd = self.nativeAds[self.adToShow]
self.yourItemList.insert(nativeAd, at: self.adiPath)
self.adiPath += 6
self.adReq += 6
self.adToShow += 1
// This for debugging
func nativeAdDidRecordImpression(_ nativeAd: GADNativeAd) {
print("The native ad was shown.")
func nativeAdDidRecordClick(_ nativeAd: GADNativeAd) {
print("The native ad was clicked on.")
func nativeAdWillPresentScreen(_ nativeAd: GADNativeAd) {
print("The native ad will present a full screen view.")
func nativeAdWillDismissScreen(_ nativeAd: GADNativeAd) {
print("The native ad will dismiss a full screen view.")
func nativeAdDidDismissScreen(_ nativeAd: GADNativeAd) {
print("The native ad did dismiss a full screen view.")
func nativeAdWillLeaveApplication(_ nativeAd: GADNativeAd) {
print("The native ad will cause the application to become inactive and open a new application.")
Presenting Your Ad
To present your ad and ensure events (such as impressions and clicks) are registered, create a Xib file that contains the right items such as the headline, media, icon and much more and set it’s to GADNativeAdView. You can download one here.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let dict = eventlist[indexPath.item]
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "CELL_ID", for: indexPath) as! YOUR_CELL_CLASS
if dict is GADNativeAd {
let nAd = dict as! GADNativeAd
nAd.delegate = self
nAd.rootViewController = self
let nibView = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("UnifiedNativeAdView", owner: nil, options: nil)?.first
let nativeAdView = nibView as! GADNativeAdView
nativeAdView.frame.size.width = cell.frame.size.width
nativeAdView.frame.size.height = cell.frame.size.height
// Prepare ad content
let nativeAd = nAd
nativeAdView.nativeAd = nativeAd
// Add content to native view
(nativeAdView.headlineView as? UILabel)?.text = nativeAd.headline
nativeAdView.mediaView?.mediaContent = nativeAd.mediaContent
(nativeAdView.bodyView as? UILabel)?.text = nativeAd.body
nativeAdView.bodyView?.isHidden = nativeAd.body == nil
(nativeAdView.iconView as? UIImageView)?.image = nativeAd.icon?.image
nativeAdView.iconView?.isHidden = nativeAd.icon == nil
(nativeAdView.advertiserView as? UILabel)?.text = nativeAd.advertiser
nativeAdView.advertiserView?.isHidden = nativeAd.advertiser == nil
nativeAdView.callToActionView?.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
else {
// Do what ever you want to do with your cells.
return cell
That’s it, run your app in Xcode.
Going Live
Once you are ready to go live, change your app unit to the one you’ve created on Admob.
Monitor Revenue
To monitor your app’s monetisation, set targets and much more download our Motics app.